DRAGOBETE - The Romanian Love Day
in noaptea asta nu ma lupt cu furtunile
in noaptea asta o sa ascult stelele
povestesc frumos si ma adorm
deja am plecat spre Calea Lactee
si ce frumos ploua acolo sus,
doar cu lumini
luminin care sparg gandurile si le aduna din nou
frenetic si apoi intr-un tremur dulce
si vaietul stingher al singuratatii nu mai ajunge gandul
deja visul e prea departe
doar o secunda in univers, atata mai e din visul care usor se spulbera
si iar il cheama inapoi, tragandu-l fulgerat, ochii nebuni de fericire
We did it! we've put one more year aside!! some of us more sober than others (Hiic!!) and we've reached 2008! Incredible, fantastic, jumping-joy!!
REmarcable how we turn to celebrate the midnight hour, the moment we are prepairing for the hole year, to reach the final count-down that marks the leap into the future ... one second and bing! bang!
WE wake up changing the year, some of us faster, awaiting for the others to join the new era !!
Hopes, dreams, wishes, fireworks, cheers, happy faces, one night when the world celebrates, no matter the culture, rase, country or continent!
And so we have the 2008!! But does this year includes us ? This depends on each of us to make a difference, to mark something in the calendar and to be remarcable!!
So for all of you around the world ( and who are visiting my humble pages)
!!! go get yourselves REMARCABLES!!!
Y estén donde estén, no se olviden que sin sueños dejamos de vivir, sin la esperanza somos sólo pobres
seres, sin luchar por los deseos que tenemos nos convertimos en perdederos, dejando de sentir la vida!!
Como decía una canción... ¡¡¡ vivir libre, no con las alas cortadas!!!
1st of March in Romania
And here we are at the beginning at the Spring! the rebirth of the nature, of the human spirit, everything is alive again under th touch of the spring sun!
Here in Romania, we have a special tradition, Martisor, and its origins are very old, since the Dacians, when they celebrated the day of March 1st. They believed in amulets, which protected them the hole year and brought them luck. Since then we have the symbol of Martisor, the combination of white and red. Red symbolized the Sun, the fire, the passion ,the woman, and white was the symbol of the benefits of water, clouds, winter but also man's intelligence. Brought together.....indeed it had a powerful meening.....
Today we give this amulets in modern shapes and forms but still in the two traditional colors as an apreciacion, as a celebration of spring and as a lucky gift. without it spring wouldn't be the same for us.... and especially for those who sell them..
Dragii mei vizitatori, care ati ajuns si pe pagina mea, va invit sa va lasati prada imaginatiei si pentru cateva minute ... sa mai fiti copii
A fost odata un pui de raza.....somnoros se trezea in fiecare dimineata si de abia deschidea ochii.....inca nu era deprins cu atata lumina. Si pe zi ce trecea incerca mai mult si mai mult sa ajunga lumina.... dar ochisorii ii erau prea mici si inca nu avea puterea sa perceapa....Pana cand intr-o noapte a visat ca lumina se stinse....si in jur totul coborase in intuneric, obscur si rece...nu mai era nimic doar recele din jur
Si se simtea atat de singur...si dorea cu atata ardoare doar o stralucire....sa-i mai arate odata ca nu e singur....ca inca mai are cu cine imparti micimea lui, frantura de lumina ce o impartea....Era un chin pt micut....s-a zbatut a strigat s-a rugat a implorat.....pana cand... s-a trezit....L-a trezit mangaierea zorilor de lumina, era lumina in care renascuse....din care isi tragea puterea si dorinta de a straluci si de a-si trimite vointa luminii celei absolute
Se facuse stea...de acum nu mai era in intuneric, isi depasise teama ca era neputincios Pana la urma...un puiut facuse lumina in intuneric....Si steaua devenise astru sa calauzeasca ratacitii .....De vise cautatori...Gasindu-si locul in univers.......Pe bolta, s-a mai scris un destin..........
Destinul micutului lucitor
The atmosphere was similar with what was going on at the court!
As you can see the times weren't so nice for some people... That period was a dangerous one......
I told I will keep you in touch with this event: The Medieval Art Festival "Stephan The Great"...so take a look what happened there....everything in the medieval style ..
Ceremonies, music, plays, characters of the court of Stephan the Great, all dressed up, challenges for the
princesses' suitors, simulations of attacks in the fortress...
But don't cry...just yet...if you missed all this, remember that next year the show will be greater, soo..... book some tickets for
Romania, because in August we have here in Suceava one special festival....until then, I will let the fotos speak...
I do not know how many of you heard about the MEDIEVAL FESTIVALS that take place every year in Romania....but for all of you however, I have news...
Here they come: 11-13 of August 2006 three days of special events brought for all of those who chase the special ocasions of travelling by the FIRST edition of THE MEDIEVAL ART FESTIVAL "STEPHAN THE GREAT" that takes place in SUCEAVA, a city in the NE of ROMANIA...
So if you are fans and want to know a little more about the traditions and customs in the period of the great leader of Moldavia Stephan the Great, take a look!!!
Stay toon for more details because I will bring them to you, if you can’t join us!!!
This is one of the things that make life worth living: the joy of smiling.... who can resist to such a big, happy, long face??? :))))
So if you are in the mood, follow his example!!! I wonder ...who is his dentist ..??..:))) have a nice day everybody...I certainly will
If the Spanish people think it’s cold outside, I have News for them: in Rumania is very cooooooooold,
and I mean temperatures 25 degrees under zero!!!!!!
It’s so cold, that the Black Sea has frozen!!!!!!! Now in my country is like at the North
I didn’t think I would live to see something like this!!!! the images speak for themselves
And when I think that soon I have to return there....brrrr......my friends, beware of the nature!!! and
stay warm
For a new start, for a new beginning, for new visits, for everything that makes us feel alive!
And for my friends in Romania...I´m comming home soon, so prepare yourselves!!!! and soon I will be
leaving Spain... Very Nice this ERASMUS lifeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!but, like all that is nice, it has an end...so I have to get used to
the idea of me not being here for the next...hey!!! who knows what can happen in time???
So ... until I get boooring, enjoy my blog, everyone, everywhere!!! and don´t forget: don´t strees
your brain too much with the exams, because you will need it after!!!
What could be sweeter then this moment of silence, where the master and his loyal friend are taking a nap....
all so silent....the child knows how to choose a good, furry bed!!!!! better than the water-beds: this one
is breathing and walking!!! well, good night and sweet dreams, but watch out, it might run away!!
it reminds me of my dog, how I miss having his paws stepping on my feet, so slowly, a biiiiiiiit heavy(80
Kilos), looking so inocent into my eyes, as I was in the process of remaining with no toes!!! maybe
because one time I burned the top of his tail, whith a lighter! but only the hair!!!
the truth is .... he never confessed this to me
Un hombre que miró al infinito y intentó conquistarlo
Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become
Reality can destroy the dream; why shouldn’t the dream destroy reality?
My dear American fellows, as a recent study shows, you have too many windows!!! and because of them the harmless little birds die because of the collisions with them! why????? not because they are blind, but because you don’t have any signs on your window!
and one of the ornithologists came up with the perfect solution:all you have to do is place visual clues such as window decals on the window at no more than 5cm-10cm apart!! just as simple as that! think what a horrible death for the wing-creatures!!
well, as the traffic in the air seams to be a little bit busy these days,it would be easier for the birds if they would have a control tower to guide them: window at 2 o’clock!! turn right, turn right, bird nr 10! that would be fun to watch!
But until then, you have a serios duty: fight against bird crime!
News Flash: Spain must be proud!!!! Now it has a candidate for the new 7 wonders of the world!!!!! But still, it has to be a
little patient, because only in 2007 we will know the winners of this trophy!!!
Question: whith what does it candidate??? see answer: ALHAMBRA ( the red castle), the well-known castle in Granada, a beautiful
place where you can admire the perfection of the lines and curves cut in stone, a true masterpiece of hundreds of years standing as a
proof of man’s gift and talent!!! believe me, I have been there and it is indeed something you have to see!!
Tips: choose a sunny day and make a reservation before you go there!!!!! Don’t bet on your luck, you might have some
!!!!! I had to wait 1h 30min to get a ticket, even with the reservation!!! and enjoy your trip